Calendar - Use the arrow next to the "Agenda" tab on the calendar to select your grade

Saturday, January 31, 2009

ND Bball Game Extra Credit Opportunity

I will give 10 bonus points for going to the Notre Dame Women's Basketball game on February 11th, 2009. Make sure you wear your new CCS spirit shirt (the red one we got on the last day of Catholic Schools Week). Check in with me at the game to get your name on the list for bonus points. Go Cougars!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Extra Credit Due Friday, Feb. 6th 2009

Bring a printout of your social studies assignments as seen from your powerschool account. Have your parents log in, click on the social studies grade, and then print the list of assignments. I will give you 10 bonus points! Have your parent(s) sign the printout.

Blog Trivia #3 (5 bonus points):

Which U.S. President was the only President to have previously been a preacher?
Write your answer on looseleaf, with a proper heading, and HAND it to me. DO NOT put it on my desk, in the box, etc. HAND IT TO ME.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Works Cited Page (all classes)

All classes are required to cite (list sources).
Please use your writing folder from Miss Perry's class to help you.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Assignments January 26-30

Read this first: Assignments Jan. 26-30
I'm posting this info here since Catholic Schools Week will disrupt our normal schedule.

6th Grade:
Industrial Revolution Part 1
Industrial Revolution Part 2
Inventions Chart
Top 10 Significant Industrial Revolution Inventors
Invention of the Steam Engine
Industrial Revolution Quiz

Essay question (response due Friday, January 30th):

Why do you think the steam engine was such an important invention of the Industrial Revolution?
(hint: consider its impact on history)

7th Grade:
Lonely Planet Travel Site

Writing Activity (response due Friday, January 30th):
"Imagine that you have been awarded an all-expenses-paid vacation to East Africa. Write a letter to your travel agent explaining what you want to do on your trip. List and describe physical features want to see and African wildlife and historical sites you would like to explore."

8th Grade:
The meaning of the word "enigma"
Constitution Creation
Delegate Dossiers
Virginia and New Jersey Plans
Smoothing Out the Bumps
Federalists and Anti-Federalists
Complete a written response that includes the following:
- Four 3-5 sentence descriptions of the Virginia Plan, the New Jersey Plan, the 3/5 Compromise, and the Great Compromise.
- Then answer the following persuasive essay question:
"Why should we consider the Constitutional Convention Delegates (The Founding Fathers) to be American heroes?" (hint, give three reasons in a thesis statement, then describe each reason in its own paragraph, then give a conclusion)

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Extra Credit

5 points: Which state is the only one in the United States to allow its citizens to vote absentee from space?

Write your answer on looseleaf with a proper heading. Hand it directly to me no later than Friday, January 30th, 2009.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Presidential Oath of Office

Here it is, along with a link to more information:

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

Link to the oath

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Black Tie Cookies

If you liked the cookies I brought today, here is my recipe, a Mrs. Smith original. :)
Black Tie Cookies

Inauguration Videos

Watch CBS Videos Online

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Extra Credit Question

5 points: which letter of the alphabet is the only one not used in any U.S. state's name? Write your answer on a sheet of looseleaf (proper heading, please rewrite this question) and hand it to me by Friday, January 23rd.


If you're bored on the internet (at school or at home), try going here:
History Trivia

Monday, January 19, 2009

Refresh Supplies

Please make sure you still have the necessary supplies to be successful:
-red pens
-enough room in your notebook
-a goal folder in good condition (plastic 3-prong folder)
-covered book with your name and class clearly written on the front
-calculator (6th graders, be advised that you cannot use it for math class)

Now Playing

In addition to watching the inauguration on Wednesday, we will cover the following:
6th - Section 8.2 (American Revolution, French Revolution, Napoleon)
7th - Finish ch. 20 (Test on Friday)
8th - 7.2 and 7.3

All classes: Tuesday's homework will be due on Thursday. The inauguration writing activity (assigned Wednesday) will be due on Friday.

Inauguration Day

On January 20th, 2009, President-elect Barack Obama will become President Barack Obama. We will watch the full event in class on Wednesday, January 21st.
Inauguration Information
Reagan's Inauguration
So Help Me God - History