Calendar - Use the arrow next to the "Agenda" tab on the calendar to select your grade

Friday, April 29, 2011

Era of the World Wars

The 6th graders have been covering World War I, World War II, and the Cold War for the past two weeks. We have been discussing the significance of alliances, the severity of trench warfare,the evolution of military strategy in war, the influence and role of propaganda, and effects these wars have had on our society today. Below are a few links to videos, Power Points, and the Ch. 15 Study Guide. The 6th graders have brought in many great artifacts from home from mini replicas of tanks, bombers, and destroyers to a Great-Grandfather's daily naval log from 1944-1945. It has been a fascinating and educational past two weeks for both my 6th graders and myself!

Click here for the Chapter 15 Study Guide.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

8th Grade Civil War Projects

The War between the States. The War of Rebellion. The War of Northern Aggression. Freedom War.

These are the different names that have been coined to the American Civil War. Our 8th grade will be beginning their 4th Quarter project this week over this fascinating and monumental time in US History! This final project over the Civil War will consist of each 8th grader writing a paper and creating an oral presentation with a powerpoint over his/her Civil War battle. Students have been assigned their battles and should be thinking about their projects. Students need to spend time this weekend researching for books, periodicals, and interviews in order to build their knowledge. Creative pieces (re-enactments via movie, song, video games, little army figurines, paintings, poems, collages, etc) are highly encouraged! This is a great opportunity for the 8th grade to show off their talents, wit, and intelligence as they get ready to enter high school!

Click here for the Civil War Project Rubric.