Calendar - Use the arrow next to the "Agenda" tab on the calendar to select your grade

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Semana Santa Journal Reflection

Below are the questions for your journal topic. Answer in complete sentences.

1. What is your reaction to Semana Santa?

2. Do you think that we could do something like this at Corpus Christi?

3. How can we re-evaluate and refocus our attention on Easter?

4. What will you do to prepare yourself for Easter?

Sunday, March 28, 2010

6th Grade Journal Question

Here is the journal topic from Thursday's class:

How has ideas and movements from the 17th and 18th century inspired what is going today in the 21st century?

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

CNN Journal Question of the Day

For those 8th Graders who need this......

Journal Topic Question from Monday:

How is the Midwest dealing with the flooding. Be descriptive and thorough.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

7th Grade Periodical Assignment

For your assignment please do the following:

1. Find two articles that are about Mongolia, China, or Taiwan.
a. They need to be 2 out of the 3. So do not bring in two articles on the same country.
b. They can be no older than 5 years.
2. They can be about any aspect of the country: sports, economy, business, technology, politics, natural disasters, human interest, major holidays, etc.
3. You need to write out a bibliography. Just write it on the actual article. Click here for a website to help you figure out how to write your bibliography.
a. NOTE: Do not use or something similar. Use this as practice for writing your bibliography. It will make you a better person doing it yourself. Promise.
5. You will be doing a mini-speech on Tuesday. Talking about what the article was about, what you found interesting, and how this paints a portrait of what life is like in any of these three countries.

Grades in General:

Powerschool is not letting me on so I am hoping to have grades updated by Sunday night.

8th Grade Grades

Your grades will be updated by Sunday night. I am hoping to have the Ch. 12 Tests, extra credit, and Speeches graded by then.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

8th Grade Computer Assignment

Today, you are going to be working on your 8th Grade Memory page. This needs to be emailed by April 15th. It does not matter what font or font size you type it in, Ms. Perry will changing and formatting as she goes. The link below leads you to the questions you need to answer. You cannot email from school, so save your Word document to your flash drive and email it from home.

Memory Book Student Responses

8th Grade Chapter 12 Study Guide

Below is the link for the Study Guide. If you complete this SG, you will receive 5 BP on your test. This SG needs to be answered in complete sentences. It is due on Friday, when you take your test. Remember the last day of Quarter 3 is on Wednesday, March 24th.

Chapter 12 Study Guide

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Chapter 21 Study Guide

The Chapter 21 Test will most likely be on Tuesday of this week. This study guide is not an assignment nor is it for bonus points. Completing this assignment, however, will help you succeed on the test. Good luck. Chapter 21.4 is due tomorrow, don't forget!

Study Guide for Chapter 21

Thursday, March 4, 2010

7th Grade UPFRONT Journal Topics

Journal Topic One:

Why are relations with China in a precarious balance?

Journal Topic Two:

What are the steps that the Obama administration has taken to deal with nuclear threats in the world? Why is there such animosity towards the US and its allies in eliminating nuclear threats?

Journal Topic Three:

Rank the 7 issues the US faces in order of importance and immediacy. Explain your ranking and describe how putting one issue in front of another may effect other issues.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

8th Grade Chapter 11 Study Guide

This study guide, if completed, will be worth 5 BP on your test. Be sure to write in complete sentences! This is due Friday, when you take your Chapter 11 Test. Good Luck!

Click here for the Chapter 11 Study Guide.